Cost-Effectively Extend The Range Of Your Existing RF Analyzer To
mmWave 5G Frequencies
thinkRF D4000 RF Downconverter/Tuner
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Small, powerful and cost-effective downconverter / tuner for the Next Generation RF Environment
The D4000 RF Downconverter/Tuner enables translation of RF signals in the frequency range of 24-40 GHz with up to 500 MHz of real-time bandwidth (RTBW), to capture mmWave 5G signals.
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Benefits of the D4000 RF Downconverter/Tuner
Wideband: Up to 500 MHz of analog bandwidth
Frequency: From 24 to 40 GHz which covers the entire mm-wave frequency range for 5G FR2
Pre-select filtering: Sophisticated RF filter technology that eliminates out-of-band signals and enables spurious mitigation. Without filtering these can result in interference within the analysis bands
Single IF output: Easy integration with spectrum analyzers or receivers
Built-in local oscillators: Eliminates the need for external synthesizers
Extensible: Can be extended to cover lower 5G FR1 bands using other complementary thinkRF receiver products