In-Place and mobile spectrum monitoring for utility companies

In-Place and mobile spectrum monitoring for utility companies

Utility companies rely on a WSN of smart meters for real-time consumption data. They face two main challenges: RF interference and compliance. Utility companies can overcome these challenges with thinkRF. Our case study discusses a solution that can be used across deployment scenarios for both 24/7 continuous, in-place monitoring, and for mobile spectrum analysis and…

Microwaves & RF published our article on real-time public safety

Microwaves & RF published our article on real-time public safety

Microwaves & RF published our article about how public safety and intelligence agencies can monitor the spectrum environment, identify suspicious signals of interest, and mitigate sources of interference in real-time. This is the last of the three articles on using spectrum analysis in public-safety scenarios. Click here to read the article.

Join us @ IME 2021 – Booth 145 Chengdu, China June 2-3!

Join us @ IME 2021 – Booth 145 Chengdu, China June 2-3!

Our valued partner HongKe will exhibit at the IME 2021 at the Chengdu Longemont Hotel between June 2 and 3. Visit our booth 145 to check out the core of all spectrum monitoring applications: real-time software-defined spectrum analysis platforms. We look forward to talking to you about your spectrum analysis requirements at IME 2021! Event…

Our new website is live!

Our new website is live!

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new website. Our new website offers clean and modern design along with easy navigation and improved user experience. We hope you enjoy our new look and all that it has to offer! We’d love to hear from you. Please contact us for your suggestions, questions, and/or…

Microwaves & RF published our article on how to pin down RFI around airports

Microwaves & RF published our article on how to pin down RFI around airports

Microwaves & RF published our article about the R5550 RTSA that can be used to pin down RFI around airports. Large airports rely on wireless signals on a wide range of frequencies, managing thousands of takeoffs and landings each day. Any disruption caused by RF interference can end in disaster. This is the second of…

Microwaves & RF published our article on how to detect and locate cell phones and other contraband devices

Microwaves & RF published our article on how to detect and locate cell phones and other contraband devices

Microwaves & RF published our article about the R5550 RTSA that can be used to detect and locate cell phones and other contraband devices, helping to keep prison populations, staff, and the public safer. This is the first of three articles on using spectrum analysis in public-safety scenarios. Click here to read the article.

Join Our Global Reseller Network

Join Our Global Reseller Network

Today, thinkRF announced new opportunities to join their global reseller network. thinkRF is at the forefront of innovating RF solutions for regulatory and intelligence monitoring, telecom and RF application development. thinkRF is looking for RF savvy reseller(s) experienced in selling to the Telecom, Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) or Electronic Warfare (EW) industries. thinkRF is growing fast…

thinkRF Appoints New Chief Commercial Officer

thinkRF Appoints New Chief Commercial Officer

Today, thinkRF announced the appointment of Jim Nerschook to the newly created position of Chief Commercial Officer, effective January 1, 2021. In this role Mr. Nerschook will report to Jim Roche, President & CEO and will lead the commercial strategy and execution for thinkRF products and solutions. “I am delighted that such an accomplished wireless…

Upcoming Webinar: Cost-Effectively Extend The Range Of Your Existing RF Analyzer To mmWave 5G Frequencies

Upcoming Webinar: Cost-Effectively Extend The Range Of Your Existing RF Analyzer To mmWave 5G Frequencies

Join our live webinar “Cost-Effectively Extend The Range Of Your Existing RF Analyzer To mmWave 5G Frequencies” on Thursday, September 17 at 8 AM PDT \ 11 AM EDT \ 15:00 GMT-UTC Aerospace and defense agencies, spectrum regulators, mobile network operators, R&D organizations and silicone vendors have already made considerable investments in spectrum and signal…

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