Revolutionary Network Insights

Real-time, continuous insights and analytics, empowering regulatory agencies and network operators to optimize spectrum utilization, mitigate interference and enhance network performance like never before.

With Plug & Play network monitoring and intuitive graphical view of comprehensive wireless insights, workloads are drastically reduced while improving the quality and reliability over traditional manual processes.

SXM for Regulatory Agencies

SXM’s seamless characterization of network spectrum usage and license compliance drastically improves the time and effort required with today’s traditional methods.

Efficient Spectrum Allocation

SXM provides detailed insights into spectrum usage patterns, empowering regulators in making informed decisions for more efficient spectrum allocation.

Optimized Spectrum Planning

By understanding network infrastructure and spectrum usage, regulators can better plan for future needs and optimize allocation strategies.

Regulatory Compliance Support

SXM assists in monitoring compliance, detecting noncompliant transmissions, and enabling prompt action to address compliance issues.

Enhanced Cross-Border Coordination

SXM insights aid in coordinating spectrum planning and management with neighboring countries, reducing cross-border interference.

Optimized Spectrum Usage

Identify and reallocate underutilized bands for higher demand areas, optimizing spectrum utilization.

Efficient Network Planning

Enhance deployment strategies by identifying shared spectrum and equipment for better network planning.

Improved Interference Management

Mitigate interference issues (cross-channel, cross-border, satellite, competitor) for enhanced QoS.

Informed Spectrum Acquisition

Understand not only your own, but also competitor’s network infrastructure to inform spectrum acquisition, licensing, and partnership strategies.

Competitive Edge through Intelligence

Monitor competitor activities for optimized spectrum usage, quick response to regulatory compliance, enhancing network performance.

Operational Efficiency

Streamline network management with SXM’s automated monitoring, which reduces the time and effort needed for routine monitoring and troubleshooting.

SXM for Network Operators

Gain continuous, comprehensive visibility into wireless technologies with SXM, delivering real-time insights for optimizing and protecting wireless networks.

SXM for Private Network Operators

Continuous and comprehensive network insights by SXM, empower private network operators to proactively protect their critical wireless networks and ensure uninterrupted operations.

Optimized Network Performance

SXM insights into network performance allowing Private Network Operators to optimize for reliability and resilience, ensuring continuous operations.

Efficient Resource Allocation

Understanding band usage and identifying underutilized bands to optimize resource allocation, ensuring critical services have sufficient capacity during high-demand periods or network failures.

Improved Interference Detection

SXM helps to identify and mitigate various types of interference situations, improving network quality and reliability, crucial for business continuity.

Enhanced Network Security

SXM insights into network security threats and vulnerabilities, help PNOs protect their networks and data, ensuring uninterrupted business operations.

3GPP Network Analytics

24/7 continuous access to analysis and insights derived from captured network data via SXM Nodes.

  • Sensor Node and base station locations
  • Time-stamped and geo-tagged data for deep analysis for key use-cases.
  • Trending analysis of spectrum usage and wireless quality
  • Cross-border and inter-network operator interference detection and cause assessment
  • Detection of rogue 3GPP base stations
  • Sensor node and base station locations
  • Base station power levels & time of day analysis

Spectrum License Usage

Monitor 3GPP spectrum license usage and utilization in real-time and learn about the changes as they happen.

  • Automated wireless operator spectrum usage analysis
  • Graphical summary of 3GPP spectrum licenses and usage
24/7 Continuous network insights & analytics

Key features for a smarter spectrum intelligence


Cloud-Based Data

Insights always at your fingertips with data from a distributed network of powerful thinkRF IoT sensors and advanced analytics.


Intuitive GUI

Modern web technologies ensure easy navigation, with a left-side navigation bar and a content display window on the right.


Visual Exploration

Integrated map feature enables users to visually explore SXM node and base station locations.


Persistent Settings

Dashboard settings persist for seamless user experience across sessions.


Precision & Speed

SXM delivers real-time, precise spectrum analysis; replacing manual, error-prone processes with fast, reliable automation that supports swift and informed regulatory decisions.

Demo the SXM Dashboard

We will have a live SXM node at our booth. Join us at Latin America Spectrum Management Conference to explore the real-time & continuous spectrum intelligence platform!